Cardboard Pulp

Having created ‘Concrete Blocks’ in 2020, I was keen to develop the idea further by using purely the found object rather than industrial materials. So, I bought myself a shredder and a blender and got to work making cardboard pulp with a view to creating cardboard blocks – extending the concept of how cardboard boxes could take over our homes and consolidating them into dense compact cubes, thus invading less space. Having pulped the cardboard, I mixed it with steel filings that I had rusting in a tub of vinegar to add contrast and interest to the piece. The concrete blocks dried in a couple of days maximum, 3 days on, with no chemical reaction to help speed up the ‘setting’ process, my cardboard block is still soaking wet. It is beginning to look really interesting as the rusty filings take hold, however, until it dries completely I have no idea what the final colour will be and whether I like it or not. I have a few concerns. Is there a lack of tension in the work? Am I just going over old ground? Should I be more organic with the shape, or create circles instead, with found objects extruding (I can’t help but think of Eva Hesse’s work ‘Addendum’ (1967)? Should I form the work completely by hand, make it even more sculptural rather than ‘molded’? Whilst I am not sure what form the work will take, I am definitely looking forward to exploring the sculptural properties of cardboard pulp more.